An ancient Chinese technique to alleviate pain & provide remedies for many other ailments...Pain Relief
Back pain, headaches, menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, depression, athletic injuries and so much more…Massage Therapy
Deep Tissue, Relaxation, Therapeutic, Healing touch, Rejuvenating, InvigoratingMany Techniques
Various combinations will be used to achieve your wellness goalsChinese Herbal Medicine
Nature's pharmacy delivered in herbal formulas for any of your health concernsHealthy Natural Remedies
Roots, bark, flowers, seeds, fruit, leaves, branches…Essential Oils
Essential oils have been used therapeutically for thousands of years...Natures Holistic Essences
Natural oils derived from plants to support health and well-being.How many times have you thought to yourself “it’s time to get healthy?”
Stop thinking about it and make an appointment for a free consultation. You have nothing to lose and maybe lots to gain by taking action now. Acupuncture is the only known tangible way to work on the energetic systems and intercommunication of the body. When our body’s energy is vibrant and clear-flowing, we experience wellness and well-being. When it is blocked, depleted or disoriented, we experience a disturbance of wellness and well-being.
- Holistic Healing
- Acupuncture
- Massage
- Chinese Herbal Medicine
- Aromatherapy
Doc Maddie